Email us to order
Cassock Extras
Piping - $35
Puppet strings - $20
(hold the Fascia in place)
Silk Lining - $75.00
High quality Silk Lining - $115.00
Silk Buttons - $25
Silk Knotted Buttons - $65.00
Hand sewn Button holes - $200.00
French cuffs - $45.00
(Functional Cuffs)
Cassock pockets $20.00
on each side
2 Chest Pockets - $10.00
Wool Shoulder Cape - $100.00
15% of -Birettas and Fascias with purchase of cassock
- Roman Fascia Extra
Now Accepting orders for cassock.
Its recommended you come in for 2 fittings
French Cut Roman Cassock
Wool $ 450.00
Summer Italian Wool $500.00
Silk/Wool $925.00
33 Buttons/wool
For the life of Christ
- 5 buttons Buttons on sleeves
For the wounds of Christ
- Slits for access to pockets on pants only
-Satin lining